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small world's carnival

hello small world carnival
An interesting night took place last Saturday at the Federal Palace Hotel with the Small World Carnival. Small World is a charity run by international women living in Lagos. It aims at helping children and disadvantaged people. It was the 20th year, this year, and a great show for those able to watch it.

The evening started with a friendly welcome, greeted by nice ladies dressed up in feathers and glitzy jewelry. And also capes to wrap-up visitors venturing on the picture stage.
smile, you're being watched
 After such pleasant welcome, one was heading towards the food stands held by each of the participating countries.
Syria was one of the represented, serving mezzeh and many sweets.
Romania had complete piglets roasted with an apple in their mouth and helped all those who wanted with vicinata (a strong digestive).
c'est pour ta pomme
South America was also featuring complete roasted piglets.
Pakistan was serving an excellent chicken biriyani; Italy an excellent red wine and affetati; Serbia and Croatia were presenting cold cuts and sausages; Germany served beer, kartoffelsalad and goulash; India chicken Tikka; France cheese and saucisson; Greece Ouzo, Tunisia/Algeria pancakes and sweets as well as proper couscous; Russia preserved fish etc... not to forget the Dutch serving large glasses of Heineken!
Then came the time of the show, brilliantly opened-up by Nigeria with its colorful characters, in traditional costumes, dancing about to the lively beats of the drums
flying zone
Then came Thailand with a very sophisticated and traditional show that included dancers from various nations
thai perfection
Europeans had a nostalgia for trash between the Venetians to the tune of heavy metal, the Russians with Tchaikovsky's black swan devoid of lyrics but a strong shade of hiphop; the French with les parapluies de Dunkerque; the Dutch with a revue on orange plastic chairs.
Venetians having fun
Tchaikovsky' black swan hip hop remix
Orange makes cheese taste different, this is dutch cheese
French cheese this time
India was very elegant and classical with plump ladies swirling in large dresses.
indian dance
of course the feathered kings of carnival are from West Indies
feather fever in the West Indies
legend of the Philippines
Lady CD (the name has presently been found after her dress) and her crew singing a song
Lady CD closing the show
It was a nice evening!


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