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no hawkers allowed on kingsway

no hawking, no trading sign
no hawking

Sign of hawkers

this was my discovery of the week in the urban signage section. I had to think hard what the "damaged hat" was all about? Until I saw a couple of people walking with large flat baskets on their heads loaded with small portions of peanuts wrapped-up in plastic bags right by the signage. I then understood that they were not supposed to be there if the signage is of any relevance. Exactly why is another matter.
Perhaps for safety reasons as in the past people hijacking cars could have been mistaken with the hawkers selling wares in the traffic. Today Kingsway, the large avenue crossing Ikoyi and coming straight out of Victoria Island through the Falomo bridge, is fairly safe. Its 2*2 lanes are often packed with slow traffic and therefore a good place for hawkers to do business.

Youth's future on Kingsway

Two billboards attracted my attention along Alfred Rewane avenue (the new name for Kingsway). One was a representation of a young and clever kid who has got it right with his education thanks to a pair of "intellectual looking" black-framed glasses. Message to the well-off parents driving past: save for your future (and his) with a retirement savings account
saving for the future with a retirement savings account
saving for the future
and then, on the other side of the street, a billboard that I have been hunting for a few weeks since I saw the ad on a bus. A political one, where APC, the opposition party is promising to defeat Boko Haram (a group emulating ISIS/Daech in the north east of Nigeria by committing all sorts of atrocities on local population) which officially caused the postponement of the presidential elections due to safety concerns. PDP, the party in power, has therefore also recently promised to defeat Boko Haram in less than 6 weeks with the help of the regional military task force.

APC: we will defeat Boko Haram
a promise from all sides
Whoever is successful in doing it will deserve credit for greatly contributing to the good of the future of Nigeria's youth.

In the meantime, let's discover the coolest place in Ikoyi

mandatory chillout
Located on Oyinkan Abayomi Drive (not to far from the Falomo bridge) this fine-sand clad place is perfect for a cold drink at an unbeatable price and also offer some very good suyas (spicy grilled meat sticks) and grilled croaker fish as well as catfish for those interested. The wind blows at sunset, extremely pleasantly.
I met there a regular, who is coming every evening for a couple of beers as it lays on its way back from the office. He got his 6 large Heinekens but did not seem drunk in any way. Was it thanks to his german origin?

and a somewhat unexpected open-air hairdresser salon

hairdresser with palm view
I would have loved to try, but the salon was unfortunately closed at the time of my visit.


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